DUNE | Part One

Original Version Transcription

by Scraps from the Loft -> https://scrapsfromtheloft.com/movies/dune-2021-transcript/

A mythic and emotionally charged hero’s journey, Dune tells the story of Paul Atreides, a brilliant and gifted young man born into a great destiny beyond his understanding, must travel to the most dangerous planet in the universe to ensure the future of his family and his people. As malevolent forces explode into conflict over the planet’s exclusive supply of the most precious resource in existence-a commodity capable of unlocking humanity’s greatest potential-only those who can conquer their fear will survive.

Dreams are messages from the deep.

My planet, Arrakis, is so beautiful when the sun is low. Rolling over the sands… You can see spice in the air.

At nightfall, the spice harvesters land. The outsiders race against time to avoid the heat of the day.

They ravage our lands in front of our eyes. Their cruelty to my people is all I’ve known.

These outsiders, The Harkonnens, came long before I was born. By controlling the spice production they became obscenely rich. Richer than the Emperor himself.

Our warriors couldn’t free Arrakis from the Harkonnens, but one day, by imperial decree, they were gone.

Why did the Emperor choose this path? And who our next oppressors be?



YEAR 10191


It’s good you’re up early. Father wants you in full dress before the Emperor’s herald arrives.

Full dress? Military?


Why do we have to go through all of this when it’s already been decided?


Thank you.

If you want it make me give it to you. Use the Voice.

Mom, I just woke up.

Give me the water.

The glass can’t hear you. Command me.

Give me the water.



Bene Gesserit skills take years to learn, Paul. You look tired. More dreams?


Extreme temperatures and treacherous weather events make life outside the cities of Arrakis truly hostile. With sandstorms powerful enough to cut through the metal. Only the native tribes known as the Fremen have adapted well enough to survive. Preferring to inhabit the remotest regions of Arrakis the Fremen share the deep desert with the giant sandworms known to the Fremen as Shai-Hulud. Long exposure to spice has given the tribe their characteristic blue eyes, the eyes of Ibad. Little else is known of the Fremen, except that they are dangerous and unreliable. Fremen attacks make spice harvesting extremely hazardous. For the Fremen, spice is the sacred hallucinogen which preserves life and brings enormous health benefits. For the Imperium, the spice is used by the navigators of the Spacing Guild to find safe paths between the stars. Without spice interstellar travel is impossible, making it by far the most valuable substance in the universe.

Smile, Gurney.

I am smiling.

How much will it cost them traveling all this way for this formality?

Three Guild navigators and a total of 1,460,062 solaris for the round trip.

By the grace of Shaddam IV of the House Corrino, Ascendant to the Golden Lion Throne of Padishah Emperor of the Known Universe, I stand before you as Herald of the Change. We are witnessed by members of the Imperial Court, representatives of the Spacing Guild, and a sister of the Bene Gesserit.

The Emperor has spoken:

“House Atreides shall immediately take control of Arrakis and serve as its steward.”

Do you accept?

We are the House Atreides. There is no call we do not answer. There is no faith that we betray. The Emperor asks us to bring peace to Arrakis. House Atreides accepts.

Atreides! Atreides! Atreides! Atreides! Atreides! Atreides!

Your seal.

So, it’s done?

It’s done.

How was it?

The stabilizers are too loose.

I’ll handle that.

Thank you, my friend.


My boy! Paul, my boy.

So, you’re going to Arrakis tomorrow with the advance team?

Yes, I’m going to Arrakis tomorrow with the advance team.

I’d like you to take me with you.

You would? That’s too bad, cause no.


Are you trying to get me court-martial? What’s going on?

Can I trust you with something?

Always. You know that.

I’ve been having dreams. About Arrakis and the Fremen.

Okay, so?

I saw you. With the Fremen.

So I do find them? There you go. That’s a good omen right there, right?


I saw you lying dead. Fallen in battle. I felt like if I had been there you’d be alive.

First of, I’m not gonna die.

You’re not taking me seriously.

That’s why you wanna come with me? Listen, dreams make good stories, but everything important happens when we’re awake, because that’s where we make things happen. Look at you, put up some muscle?

I did?


See you in Arrakis, my boy.

Father, I’d like to ask to join Duncan Idaho on a scout mission to Arrakis tomorrow. I’ve studied the Fremen language. I’d be an asset.

Out of the question. You’ll travel in a few weeks to Arrakis like the rest of us.

I’ve been training my whole life… What is the point if I’m not allowed–

You know why, Paul. You’re the future of the House Atreides.

And grandfather fought bulls for sport.

Yes, look where that got him. I need you by my side. When we get to Arrakis we’ll face enormous danger.

What danger? The Fremen? The desert?

Political danger. The great houses look to us for leadership and this threatens the Emperor. By taking Arrakis from the Harkonnens and making it ours he sets the stage for a war which would weaken both houses. But if we hold firm and tap the true power of Arrakis we could be stronger than ever.

What does that mean? Mining spice, keeping the Fremen in their place? We’d be no better than Harkonnens.

No. By making an alliance with the Fremen. That’s what I’ve sent Duncan Idaho to arrange. Here, on Caladan, we’ve ruled by air power and sea power. On Arrakis, we need to cultivate desert power. I want you sitting in on my council, learn what I do.

What if I’m not, dad?

Not what?

The future of the House Atreides.

I told my father I didn’t want this either. I wanted to be a pilot.

You never told me that.

Your grandfather said, “A great man doesn’t seek to lead. He’s called to it. And he answers.” And if your answer is “no” you’ll still be the only thing I ever needed you to be, my son.

I found my own way to it. Maybe you’ll find yours. In their memory… give it a try.

Don’t stand with your back to the door. How many times do we have to tell you?

I could tell it was you by your footsteps, Gurney Halleck.

Someone might imitate my stride.

I know the difference. Are you the new weapons master?

With Duncan Idaho gone, I must make do as best as I can. Choose your blade.

I’ve had quite a day, Gurney. Give us a song instead.

That’s rude.

Come on. Come on.

Old man.

The slow blade penetrates the shield.

I’m guessing I’m not in the mood today.

Mood? What’s mood got to do with it? You fight when the necessity arises, no matter the mood. Now, fight!

Come on!

I have you.

Aye. But look down, my lord. You’d have joined me in death. I see you found the mood.

Will it be that bad?

You don’t get it, do you? You don’t really understand the grave nature of what’s happening to us. For 80 years Arrakis belonged to House Harkonnen. Eighty years of owning the spice fields. Can you imagine the wealth? In your eyes, I need to see it in your eyes. You never met Harkonners before. I have. They are not human. They’re brutal! You have to be ready.


Lord Baron.


The last of our ships have left Arrakis. It’s done.

Very good.

Uncle, how did we let this happen? How can the Emperor take everything we’ve built and give it to that Duke? How?

Don’t be too sure, it’s an act of love.

What does he mean?

When is a gift not a gift? The Atreides Voice is rising and the Emperor is a jealous man. A dangerous, jealous man.

Paul… Paul, wake up.

What’s wrong?

Get dressed and come with me.

What is this?

The Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam is here. She was my teacher at the Bene Gesserit school. She’s now Truthsayer to the Emperor himself. She would like to meet you.


She wants to know about your dreams.

How does she know about my dreams? And why is Dr. Yueh here?

He only needs a moment.

Hello, young master. Your mother asked me to check your vitals.

What’s happening?

Bene Gesserit claims to serve the greater good. But with all due respect to your mother, they also serve their own agenda.

What are you saying?

Be careful.

His heart is strong as ever, my lady.

Not a word of this to anyone.

Paul… Remember your training.

Who are you?

Defiance in the eyes, like his father. Leave us.

You must do everything the Mother Helen Mohiam tells you.

You dismiss my mother in her own house.

Come here. Kneel.

How dare you use the Voice on me?

Put your right hand in the box. Your mother bade you obey me.

I hold at your neck the Gom Jabbar, a poison needle, instant death. The test is simple. Remove your hand from the box, and you die.

What’s in the box?

Pain. No need to call the guards. Your mother stands behind that door. No one will get past her.

Why are you doing this?

An animal caught in a trap will gnaw off its own leg to escape. What will you do?


I must not fear. I must not fear.

Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little death that brings obliteration. I will face my fear and I will permit it to pass over me and through me.

And when it has gone past… I will turn the inner eye to see its path.

Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.

Only I will remain.


Like sifting sand through a screen, we sift people. If you had been unable to control your impulses like an animal, we could not have let you live. You inherit too much power.

What, because I’m a Duke’s son?

Because you are Jessica’s son. You have more than one birthright, boy.


You’ve been training him in the Way.

Tell me about these dreams.

I had one tonight.

What did you see?

A girl on Arrakis.

Have you dreamt of her before?

Many times.

Do you often dream things that happen just as you dreamt them?

Not exactly.

Goodbye, young human. I hope you’ll live.

Did you have to go that far?

You chose to train him in the Way in defiance of the rule. He wields our power. He had to be tested to the limits. So much potential wasted in the male. You were told to bear only daughters, but you and your pride thought you could produce the Kwisatz Haderach.

Was I wrong?

You’re lucky he didn’t die in that room. If he is The One he has a long way to go. His sight is barely awakened and now he goes into the fire. But our plans are measured in centuries. We have other prospects if he fails his promise.

Do you see so little hope?

On Arrakis, we have done all we can for you. The path has been laid. Let’s hope he doesn’t squander it.


What does it mean? That I can be The One?

You heard? The Bene Gesserit serve as powerful partners to the great houses, but there’s more to it.

You stir the politics on the Imperium from the shadows. I know.

You don’t know everything. For thousands of years, we’ve been carefully crossing bloodlines to bring forth–

The One?

A mind… powerful enough to breach space and time, past and future… who can help us into a better future. We think he’s very close now. Some believe he is here.

All part of the plan.


“My lungs taste the air of Time, Blown past falling sands.”

Thufir Hawat.

Young master, how does it feel to walk on the new world?

Exciting, to say the least.

My Lord.

How are you, old friend?

My advance team has secured the city. We’re still smoothing out a few rough spots.

My Lady.

Lisan al-Gaib!

Lisan al-Gaib!

Don’t be fooled by the welcome. They follow their old master’s rules, mandatory attendancy. That’s Harkonnen love out there.


Let’s get you out of the sun. The heat can kill in this place.

They were pointing at us. What were they shouting?

Lisan al-Gaib. “The Voice from the Outer World.” It’s standing for “messiah.” That means the Bene Gesserit have been a work here.

Planting superstitions?

Preparing the way, Paul. These people have waited for centuries for the Lisan al-Gaib. They see you, they see the signs.

They see what they’ve been told to see.

We’re good to go.

Shield wall, protects the city from the weather and the worms.

The locals call the big one the “Hand of God.”

Well, the Hand of God is wreaking havoc on our com system. It’s so quiet.

Yeah. That’s what worries me too.

There’s a space port, and in that plump of dust there’s a spice refinery. Our two most vulnerable points. I want you guarding them. If we can’t refine spice and ship it off to the world, we’re dead here.

My lord. The sun is getting too high. We need to seal the doors.

What do they say about this hell hole again?

“It’s a shower, you scrub your ass with sand,” My Lord, that’s what they say.

That’s what they say.

Candidates for a house keeper, my lady.

What is your name?

Shadout Mapes, my lady.

The rest of you may go. Thank you.

Shadout. It’s an old chakobsa word. “Well dipper.” You are Fremen.

You know the ancient tongues?

I know many things. I know that you have a weapon concealed in your bodice.


If you mean to harm me, I must warn you whatever you’re hiding, it won’t be enough.

My weapon is meant as a gift if you are truly The One.

Do you know this?

It’s a crysknife.

Do you know its meaning?

Be ready.

It’s a maker.

A maker of the deep desert.

When you have lived with a prophecy for so long the moment of revelation is a shock. Lisan al-Gaib. The mother and the son. It is yours. Tooth of Shai-Hulud.

Hello. You shouldn’t be out here at this time of the day. They are out here.

Fremen pilgrims. They don’t care about heat stroke.

I didn’t know date palms could even be found out here.

These aren’t indigenous. They can’t survive without me. Each one of these drinks every day the equivalent of five man. Twenty palm trees. A hundred lives.

Should we remove them? Save the water?

No, no. These are sacred. Old dream.

The largest and the most dangerous organism on Arrakis is the sandworm. Capable of reaching 400 meters in length. To avoid making rhythmic noises which attract the sandworms, the Fremen cross desert spaces using the sand walk, a dance-like motion with irregular rhythm which emulates the natural sounds of the desert. What scant plant life exists on Arrakis is thanks to the Fremen, who have cultivated deep-rooted terrain plants, such as saguaro, burrobush, sand verbena and incense bush. The shepherd’s tree has the deepest documented roots, stretching more than 450 feet deep. These plants cling to life in a parched nutrient-poor landscape.

It’s a hunter-seeker. The operator must be nearby.

The Harkonnen agent was cemented into that hole six weeks ago. Manned the hunter-seeker through a water pipe inside the walls. Sir, I failed you today. There’s no excuse. You have my resignation.

You’d deprive us of your talents?

Sir, my honor demands–

They tried to take the life of my son! I don’t give a damn about your honor. You want absolution? Go catch some spies.

Your Grace.

The thing must leave.

You can speak without fear. Our pet doesn’t understand your language.

Get out!

It understands. Activate silence.

What is the Emperor’s message?

He will strengthen your hand.

With his Sardaukar army…

It must never be known.

There’s no satellites over Arrakis. The Atreides would die in the dark.

On that matter. Duke Leto Atreides means nothing to our order. But his wife is under our protection, and by extension, her son. Allow them the dignity of exile.

House Harkonnen would never dream of violating the sanctity of your order. I give you my word. We would not harm them.

If the Duke’s son lives–

No Atreides will live.

My Lord, you gave your word to the witch. And she sees too much.

I said I would not harm them. And I shall not. But Arrakis is Arrakis, and the desert takes the weak. My desert. My Arrakis. My dune.

Your first strategy meeting. Paul Atreides, who catches hunter-seekers in his bare hands like a hero of all.

Thanks for the humiliation, old man.

I’ll keep an eye on you.


Let’s get started.

Thufir, operations.

I’ve secured a copy of the Harkonnen’s account books. The Harkonnens were taking 10 billion solaris out of here every year.

“They shall suck at the abundance of the seas and on the treasures hidden in the sand.”

We won’t see profits like that for a while, not with the equipment they left us.

How bad is it?

These are spice silos. We are meant to fill every crate.

All of them?

Every 25 standard days. Harkonnen sabotage slows us down.

But who’s meant to arbitrate? Isn’t there a Judge of the Change to oversee the transition?

Who did the Emperor appoint?

Dr. Liet Kynes, imperial ecologist. Been here 20 years. Eccentric from what I’m told.

I want to see these harvesting fields myself.

I wouldn’t recommend it, my lord.

Have this Judge of the Change accompany us. Our meeting is long overdue. And we’ll get a bit of imperial protection.

A hostage? I love it.

He’s here, my lord.

Take care of them, they are friends.


My boy!

I swear you’re getting taller.

Well, you smell much worse.

For four weeks I’ve lived with the Fremen, hidden in the desert, in the community called the sietch. Stilgar, the leader of that sietch has come with me to meet you, sir.

This sietch, how was it hidden?

It’s under ground. Arrakis is filled with caverns.

How big was the place?

It’s a ten thousand people, and there are hundreds of sietches.

Millions of Fremen. You were right.

The Harkonnen estimate was fifty thousand on the whole planet.

The Fremen watched me search for them for days. I never saw them. Finally, they sent a warrior out to kill me, and I have to tell you, I’ve never come so close to dying. There’s no finer fighter in the Imperium. They fight like demons.

Desert power. Duncan, well done.

Thank you, my lord.

Sir, their leader has a knife he won’t surrender, sir.

It’s a crysknife, it’s sacred to his people.

Let him pass.

Stop there. Hey! Hey!

Stilgar, welcome.

Sir, I respect the personal dignity of any man that respects mine.


Thank you, Stilgar, for the gift of your body’s moisture. We accept it in the spirit in which it was given.

I’m glad you’ve come.

I believe your people and mine have much to offer one another.

You are outworlders, you come here for the spice, you take it, giving nothing in return.

That’s true. I know you’ve suffered at the hands of the Harkonnen. Name what you want. If it’s in my power to grant I’ll give it and ask for nothing.

I ask for this: do not seek our sietches, do not trespass in our lands. The desert was ours long before you came. So, come and dig your spice, but when you have it, go back to this side of the shield wall and leave the desert to the Fremen.

You will address the Duke as “my lord,” or “sir.”

Gurney, just… Just a moment.

The Emperor has given me Arrakis as my fief to rule and protect. I cannot promise not to travel into the desert if duty compels me. But your sietches will be yours forever and you will never be hunted while I govern here.

That’s very honorable. I must go. That’s all I have to say to you.

Why don’t you stay. We would honor you.

Honor requires that I be elsewhere.

I know who you are.

I don’t like him.

Our plan bears fruit.

But it will take time.

Yes. It will take time.

Here, this is for you.

It’s a paracompass. The moons here have a magnetic field, so a simple compass needle won’t point north. Takes a clever piece of clockwork to sort it out.

Do Fremen make these?

And stillsuits, and sand compactors, and all kinds of ingenious things.

What the hell is a sand compactor?

That’s a sand compactor.

My God, man, you’ve gone native.

You admire them.

I do. They’re fierce but loyal. They’re tuned into the desert, part of it, it’s part of them. You wait till you see it. It’s beautiful out there.

Sunrise warning.

…The temperature up to 140 degrees. The temperature now is 90 degrees.

But it will rise 50 degrees in ten minutes.

Last warning.

The Judge of the Change, sir. Dr. Liet Kynes.

My Lord, Duke, welcome to Arrakis.

You are the imperial ecologist. Thank you for the stillsuits.

They are Fremen make, the best. With your permission, sir, I must check the integrity–

It’s all right.

It’s all right.

Dr. Kynes, we’re in your hands.

A stillsuit is a high-efficiency filtration system. Even this early in the morning you wouldn’t survive two hours without one of these. It cools the body and recycles the water lost to sweat. Your bodies movements provide the power. Inside the mask you’ll find a tube to allow you to drink the recycled water. In good-working order your suit won’t lose more than a thimble full of water a day.

Most impressive.

Let’s have a look at you, lad. You’ve worn a stillsuit before?

No, this is my first time.

Your desert boots are fitted slip fashion at the ankles. Who taught you to do that?

It seemed the right way.

“He will know his customs as if he was born with them.”

Are you a Fremen?

I am accepted in both sietch and village. Now. Come and see the spice sands on which your livelihood depends.

What would you do if your ornithopter went down out here?

You wouldn’t want to go down out there. It’s worm territory.

Dust cloud.

I see it.

That’s one of your harvesters.

You can see the spice scattered over the surface. Rich spice bed by the color. If you get a little higher you’ll have a better view.

You see these spotter aircraft looking for worm sign.

Worm sign?

A sand wave moving toward the crawler. Worms travel deep but get closer to the surface when they attack. If you are patient we should see one.

Worm always comes?

Always, they’re drawn by rhythmic noises.

Why don’t we just shield the crawlers?

A shield is a death sentence in the desert.

It attracts the worms and drives them into a killing frenzy.

Is that a worm?

Big one.

You have good eyes. Calling crawler Delta Ajax 9. Worm sign warning. Acknowledge.

Who calls Delta Ajax 9? Over.

They seem pretty calm about it.

Unlisted flight, Imperium business. Worm sign, north and east of you. 3.7 kilometers.

Delta Ajax 9, this is Spotter 1, worm sighting confirmed. Standby for contact fix.

Worm is on intercept course to your position. Contact in five minutes.

So what happens now?

They’ll call the carryall to lift the crawler. They’ll harvest right up to the last minute.

Calling carryall Alfa Zero. Ready to docking sequence. Contact five minutes, over.

Anybody got a visual on a carryall?

There it is.

This is carryall Alfa Zero to Delta Ajax 9. Approaching from your east. Correcting altitude and preparing docking and gripping.

Copy, Alpha Zero. Initiating docking sequence.


Copy that.

Prepare to be airborne in 30 seconds.

Docking sequence initiated. Brace yourselves.

Alpha Zero, we are short on one point of contact.

What is going on?

It’s one of the anchors. It’s dead.


Carryall, unable to proceed. Unable to lift without that anchor.

All call. All call.

Any carryall in the sector, please respond.

Spotter 1, give us an update. Over.

Hydraulics are dead. We won’t make it. You have to evacuate.

How many men on that crawler?

Crawler of 21.

Our ships can take six each.

That’s still three short.

We’ll find a way.

This is Duke Leto Atreides.

We’re coming down to extract the crew of Delta Ajax 9.

Sit down on the left.

The shield generators weigh 100 kilos each.

Yes, Gurney, have our escort throw out the shield generators.

And Paul, I want you at the back of the thopter, guide them in.

Delta Ajax 9, put seven men each in my ships now.

Contact in two minutes.

It’s getting close, guys. We better abandon the ship now.

Where are they?

Sir, there is protocol for a reason, if we take one step out we’re as good as dead. Besides, we’ve got full load of spice, we can’t just leave–

Damn the spice! I want every man off that crawler now!

Seven over here, seven over there!

Run, run!

Kwisatz Haderach.

Kwisatz Haderach awakes.

Hurry! Get on!

It’s here!

Paul! Paul!

I recognize your footsteps, old man.

Get up. Let’s go.

What’s wrong with you? Come on. Let’s go.


“Bless the Maker and His water. Bless the coming and going of Him.

May His passage cleanse the world. And keep the world for His people.”

Hey, you cannot take such risks.

Yes, sir.

You do have responsibilities.

I’m sorry, sir. It won’t happen again.

Dr. Kynes. You saw it with your own eyes. It’s plain to see. Everything they’ve left us is in shambles. We’ve been set up to fail.

That carryall was just old. The desert isn’t kind to equipment.

You know what will happen if I don’t get spice production back on track?

I’m not here to take your part. Arrakis has seen men like you come and go. Take good care of your family. The desert’s not kind to humans either.

Spice is a psychoactive chemical. You seem to be sensitive.

You’ll be fine.

Thank you, Dr. Yueh.

It wasn’t an allergic reaction.

I had a vision.

My eyes were wide open.

What did you see?

Kwisatz Haderach…

You can see.

It’s confusing, I thought I saw my death, only it wasn’t.

I know a knife is important somehow.

Someone will hand me a blade.

But I don’t know who or when or where.

Some things though are crystal clear. I can feel it.

I know you’re pregnant.

You can’t know that.

I barely know that and it’s only been few weeks.


What does the Baron want with us?

The Harkonnen outnumber Atreides.

Atreides legions are the finest in the Imperium.

Trained by Gurney Halleck and Duncan Idaho.

We are the Sardaukar, the Emperor’s elite. Anyone who defies us will fall.

Just so.

Three battalions as agreed.

As the the Emperor commands. It will be done.

There’s something you need to know about Paul.

No. I don’t think I wanna know.

Ever since you brought him before your Reverend Mother he hasn’t been the same.

He’s distracted.

Jessica, you gave me a son.

And from the moment he was born I never questioned you.

I trusted you completely, even when you walked in shadows.

Now I’m asking you this one thing.

If anything happens will you protect our son?

With my life.

I’m not asking his mother, I’m asking the Bene Gesserit.

Will you protect Paul?

Why are you having these thoughts?

Leto, this is not you.

I thought we’d have more time.

Have a good night, Master Paul.

Good night, Dr. Yueh.

You need to sleep.

No, not like that.

I should have married you.

Hawat. Security.


Sir. Sir.

The shield’s come down.

God in Heaven.

Get everything with guns off the ground! Go!

With me!



I’m sorry, my lord.

But I’ve made a bargain with the Baron.


I had no choice.

The Harkonners have my wife, Wanna.

They take her apart like a doll.

I will buy her freedom and you are the price.

For Paul. I will do what I can.

And you will kill a man for me.

I’m going to replace your peg tooth.

If you bite them hard, this tooth will crash.

Breathe out, and you will fill the air with poison.

It will be your last breath.

But if you choose your moment well it will also be the Baron’s.


We will drop them in the desert, and leave them to the worms.

Why not just cut their throats?

They might use a Truthsayer.

Then we can honestly say that we didn’t kill them.

The one with the scar is deaf.

To hell, dogs!

I’ve never had a high-born.


Bene Gesserit ain’t no high-born.

She is high-born enough for me.

Let’s feed the kid to the worms and give her a long goodbye.

Don’t you dare touch my mother.

Don’t talk.

No. You’re not ready.

Remove her gag.

Shut up.

Find the right tone.

We’re far enough. Let’s throw the boy off.

Remove her gag.

Kill him.

Set us free.

Stop. Cut the rope.

Give me the knife.

Your pitch was too forced.

It’s a Fremkit.

They’ve crippled the ship.

You have a wonderful kitchen, cousin.

This is Dr. Yueh’s handwriting.

“If anyone makes it out of Arrakeen alive there’s an Atreides beacon in the Fremkit.

God willing they’d be able to find you.”

Milord Baron, Dr. Yueh.

The traitor?

What do you want?

I jammed their comms and lowered their shields.

I gave you Duke and his family.

The bargain to the letter. And what was I to do for you?

Deliver my wife from her agony.


I said I’d set her free, that you could join her.

So join her.

What do you think is next?

It’s a thumper.

No stillsuits.

The one thing we actually need.

For hundreds of years we’ve traded blood for blood.

But no more.

Your son is dead. Your concubine is dead.

Tonight the house Atreides falls…

and your bloodline ends forever.

What did you say?

“Here I am, here I remain!”


It’s not safe for you here.

Will you tell the Great House of the Landsraad how we were betrayed?

How the best of them were murdered?

I am commanded to say nothing, to see nothing.

The Emperor sent us here to die.

Spice in the tank.

That’s the future. It’s coming.

The Holy war is spreading across the universe like an unquenchable fire.

Paul, you’re scared. I can see it. Tell me, please, what do you fear?

Somebody help me, please.


It’s coming.

The Holy war is spreading across the universe like an unquenchable fire.

A warrior religion that waves the Atreides banner in my father’s name.

Fanatical legions worshiping at the shine of my father’s skull.

A war in my name! Everyone shouting my name!


Paul Atreides… You are your father’s son. You are my son. You are Duke Paul Atreides.

You know who you are.

Get off me! You did this to me! Your Bene Gesserit made me a freak!

My father is dead.

Someone is near.

You need to drink.

It’s recycled water from the tent.

Sweat and tears.

All right. Let’s get out of here.

It’s Duncan.

My Lady. Paul…

I’m so sorry… Your father…

We know.

My Lord Duke.


Drink this.

The Harkonnens hit every population center on the planet at once.

It must’ve been ten legions, hundreds of ships.

There were Sardaukar with them.

At least two battalions.

Are you sure?

You cross swords with the Sardaukar, you know it.

So, the Emperor’s taken a side.

What says the Judge of the Change?

The Emperor forbids me from saying anything at all.

Yet you risk your life to help us.

The storm is coming.

The storm will be here in a few hours. We’ll be safe here.

Do you know what this place is? It’s an old ecological testing station.

The were meant to tame the planet and free the water locked beneath the sands.

Arrakis could have been a paradise.

The work had begun but then the spice was discovered.

and suddenly no one wanted the desert to go away.

Tanat, will you find stillsuits to fit our visitors.

Yes, Liet.

Shamir, coffee service, please.

Of course, Liet.

Who are you to the Fremen?

Do you know what the great houses fear most, Dr. Kynes?

Exactly what has happened to us here.

The Sardaukar coming and picking them off one by one.

Only together can they stand a chance against the Imperium.

Would you bear witness?

Testify that the Emperor has moved against us here.

If they believe me…

There would be general warfare between the great houses and the Emperor.

Chaos across the Imperium.

Let’s suppose I present to the Emperor with an alternative to chaos.

And the Emperor has no sons, and his daughters are yet to marry.

You’d make a play for the throne?

The Emperor feared the Atreides. He brought you here to kill you.

What don’t you understand?

You’re a lost boy hiding in a hole in the ground.

The Fremen speak of the Lisan al-Gaib.


The Voice from the Outer World who will lead them to paradise.


I know you loved a Fremen warrior and lost him in battle.

I know you walk in two worlds and are known by many names.

I’ve seen your dream.

As Emperor, Dr. Kynes,

I could make a paradise for Arrakis with the wave of my hand.

Do you really think he could be the Mahdi?

He looks very young.


No! Duncan!

Paul, no!

Duncan, no!

He’s locked the door.

He’s gone.


We have to go. We have no choice.

Paul, run!

Come on, come on!

Follow the light. You’ll find a thopter ready to fly.

That storm out there is your best shot.

Above 5000 meters, it’s mostly dust. Climb into it. Stay on top.

Head south. Find the Fremen.

You’re not coming with us?

It only sits two.

I’ll go to the next station and report this attack to the Landsraad.


I’m Fremen. The desert is my home.

Good luck.

Good luck.

Kynes, you have betrayed the emperor.

I serve only one master.

His name is Shai-Hulud.

There are jet flyers behind us.

Paul, we are not high enough!

I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer.

Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.

See the friend.

The mystery of life isn’t a problem to solve.

But a reality to experience.

A process that cannot be understood by stopping it.

We must move with the flow of the process.

We must join it. We must float with it.

Let it go. Let it go.

He hasn’t fully healed yet.

We chased them into a Coriolis storm.

Wind’s at 800 kilometers an hour.

Nothing survives such a storm.

They’re dead. It’s a certainty.

So it’s done finally.

Send word to Giedi Prime to begin selling our spice reserves.

But slowly. We don’t want the price to fall.

You have no idea how much it cost me to bring such a force to barrier.

Now I only have one requirement. Income.

So, squeeze, Rabban. Squeeze hard.

Yes, uncle.

And the Fremen?

Kill them all.

We’re above 5000 meters.

As soon as we land, run for the rocks.

You breathe with this.

Now we have to find the Fremen.

Are you good?



Don’t be frightened.

Even a little desert mouse can survive.

You’ll need to face your fears.

A friend will help you.

Follow the friend.

You have much to learn.

And I will show you the ways of the desert.

Come with me.

The sietch, where Duncan lived.

Somewhere off that way.

I can see the green over there.


That means Fremen live there.

We’ll cross after dark. That’s how the Fremen do it.

We’re about to enter worm territory.

We can’t walk like regular humans, if we do we’re dead.

We’ll have to walk like the Fremen do. It’s called the sand walk.

At least according to the film books back home.

Yeah. Yeah, I’ve got it.

Okay, follow me. Do the same moves.

I think this is the right direction.

It’s close by. Let’s get out of here.


It’s drum sand.


Go! Go!

It’s a thumper.

Someone set off a thumper.

Paul, run!

How big are they? That was insane.

Someone called him.

We are not alone.

Do not run.

You will only waste your bodies water.



Hey, you know me. I was there when you came to my father’s council.

This is the Duke’s son.

Why are you waiting? We need their water.

This is the boy I told you about. We can’t touch him.

Is he Lisan al-Gaib?

He hasn’t proved himself.

They’re weaklings.


There was a brave crossing they made in the path of Shai-Hulud.

He does not speak or act like a weakling.

Nor did his father.

My thumper saved his life.

Go back to reason, Stilgar. He’s not The One.

We have powerful friends.

You help us off world, to Caladan, you will be well rewarded.

What wealth can you offer beyond the water in your flesh.

The boy is young. He can learn our ways.

He may have sanctuary.

But the woman isn’t trained and too old to learn.

Back, you dogs!

She’ll cut my throat.

Why didn’t you say you were a weirding woman and a fighter?

The conversation ran short.

Peace, woman, peace.

I misjudged.

The sun is rising. We must reach Sietch Tabr.

The fate of the strangers will be decided there.

Until then, they are under my protection.

I give you my word.

I would not have let you hurt my friends.

They say you are the Mahdi.

But you look like a little boy.

You chose the hardest way up. Follow me.

Take off! Take off!

Give it to me.

You would have your own maula pistol when you’ve earned it.

Give it to me.

Chani, take charge of the newcomers. See that they are safe in the journey.

Let’s go.

I will not have them.

Jamis, I have spoken. Be still.

You talk like a leader, but the strongest leads.

She bested you.

I invoke the Amtal.

-You may not challenge a sayyadina.

Then who will fight in her name?

Jamis, don’t do this. Don’t. The night is fading.

Then the sun will witness this death.

Where is her champion?

I accept her champion.

Paul Atreides must die…

for Kwisatz Haderach to rise.

Don’t be frightened. Don’t resist.

When you take a life, you take your own.

I don’t believe you are the Lisan al-Gaib.

But I want you to die with honor.

This crysknife was given to me by my great-aunt.

It’s made from a tooth of Shai-Hulud, the great sand worm.

This would be a great honor if you to die holding it.

Where is the outworlder?

Jamis is a good fighter. He won’t let you suffer.


Never mind.

May thy knife chip and shatter.

You should welcome my blade.

This world will kill you.

Quicker this way.


Do you yield?

The boy does not know our rule.

There is no yielding under the Amtal rule, only death is the test of that.

Is he toying with him?


Paul has never killed a man.

Kwisatz Haderach.

Kwisatz Haderach.

Climb up. Rise.

You’re one of us now. A life for a life.

Come with us to Sietch Tabr.


Paul needs to get off world.

You must have ways. You have smugglers, you have ships.


You have–

The Emperor sent us to this place.

And my father came…

Not for spice, not for the riches, but for the strength of your people.

My road leads into the desert.

I could see it.

If you’ll have us, we will come.

Desert power.

This is only the beginning.