Final Script DraftLADY JESSICA, 35, sits a table laden with food. Crystal glassware. She's looking out at the beautiful valley. Wistful for the paradise she must soon leave behind.
She turns to see Paul crossing the room to join her. As he takes his seat at the other end of the table and begins piling food on his plate...
It's good you're up early. Your father wants you in full dress before the Emperor's Herald arrives.
Full dress. Military?
He slumps a bit at that. Much rather be in military...
Why do we have to go through all this, when it's already been decided?
Paul can't help but smile at that. His mother has a way of thinking two steps beyond him at all times... Jessica pours a glass of water for him. He reaches across the table, expecting her to hand it to him, but she doesn't. Instead, she puts it down right in front of her. Paul knows what she's doing, and he's in no mood.
I just woke up. Can I please-- ?
If you want it, make me give it to you. Use the Voice.
A heavy sigh from Paul. Then... fine. He shrugs. Whatever. Looks right at her, and in a mocking impression of some kind of growly wizard...
Lady Jessica is not amused. Not giving him any reaction. Okay. She wins. He takes a moment to collect himself, then stares at the glass, and:
PAUL (CONT'D) (intently)
Give. Me. The Water.
Nothing happens. He puts his hands up, like... "I tried."
The glass can't hear you. Command me.
There's authority in her voice. It shakes him out of his impetuousness. A cleansing breath. He closes his eyes. Draws on something within himself. His eyes open, focused on Jessica:
His words ripple through the air, folding in and around themselves, a hundred whispers but only one voice. It's nothing you've ever heard a human do. Jessica watches her own hand as it reaches for the glass. Her
mind struggles to defy his command. Has he done it...? She lifts the glass, begins to move it to him... and then stops. Puts the glass down. His Voice wasn't strong enough to break her. But she's pleased.
He reaches far across the table and grabs the glass.
Better than anyone else has ever done.
Better than any man has ever done.
Touché. He lifts his water glass to that, then drinks. And shovels more food in his mouth. Still boyish.
You look tired. More dreams?
He hesitates a moment too long before he gives her the lie:
Transcription du FilmIt's good you're up early. Father wants you in full dress before the Emperor's herald arrives.
Full dress? Military?
Why do we have to go through all of this when it's already been decided?
Thank you.
If you want it make me give it to you. Use the Voice.
Mom, I just woke up.
Give me the water.
The glass can't hear you. Command me.
Give me the water.
Bene Gesserit skills take years to learn, Paul. You look tired. More dreams?
Alors les météorologistes me corrigeront, mais amha les nuages bas ne produisent pas d'éclairs. On y verra tout de même un effet esthétique qui aidera à souligner la différence de climat entre Arrakis et Caladan, les deux planètes diptyques: l'eau et le feu, ou l'eau et la terre ou n'importe quoi qui s'oppose.
Timmy joue avec sa nourriture. Il semble très enfantin (boyish) ou pas très mature.
il y a une esthétique dans ce plan qui ne relève pas forcément du dénuement mais du simple chez les Atréides. La table ne déborde pas de mets, il n'y a pas de serviteurs dans la salle. Un mobilier presque rustique et peu abondan. Avec une lumière matinale qui perce ces ouvertures rondes qui ne vont pas sans rappeler un certain orientalisme que vient souligner de manière presque oxymoresque un énorme bonsai. oui Legendary paie ce film...
De bon matin, Dame Jessica veut mettre son fils à l'épreuve. Comme Timmy certainement, le spectateur peut se demander qu'est ce qui peut bien se passer dans la tête de cette bonne femme de 35 ans dans le film, 37 dans le livre, de si bonne heure. Timmy tire une tronche de 3 jours. Il doit 'utiliser la Voix'. Premier moment WTF du film. Derrière la tentative échouée de virilline à la Pascal Brutal, peut-être que Villeneuve veut bien montrer au spectateur que la Voix, ce n'est ni la Force ni un Jedi Mind Trick.
The glass can't hear you. Command me. Et que par conséquent le spectateur n'est pas en train de regarder une meilleure suite de Star Wars.
Dans un montage photographique digne d'un point-n-click à la Myst, le spectateur peut sentir la tension monter. Le furin émet un tintement, est-ce l'esprit de ce matador en cape qui vient inspirer Paul ? les lèvres de Paul bougent, la parole performatrice va t'elle faire effet ? Chacun appréciera à sa manière comment les réalisateurs ont choisit de rendre l'effet de la Voix.
Jessica octroi un bon point à Paul. rien de plus. Timmy pense à la jeune fille... laisse béton maman.