Je suis tombé sur un avis tranché des Les Enfants de Dune - que je retranscris ici - qui m'a fait repenser à une chronique de Nébal (
lire ici): les deux en effet dénoncent un certain verbiage dans cet opus.
De mémoire, je ne me souviens pas d'avoir rencontré d'avis aussi aussi critique en la matière et je prends donc l'opportunité de 'soulever le lièvre' et voir où cette critique peut nous mener.
I'm so angry I made an internet post. Seriously, all this set-up from an incredible first part of Dune to... this pile of incoherent mumbo jumbo. (and mind you, I've made it through my share of mumbo jumbo during law school). I have three more books from the Dune saga but I just gave up after this one, read a summary plot on Wikipedia and there's no way I'm keeping those abominations at my house. I'm just gonna donate them to good will and left this warning note inside. Now I know why I got them so cheaply on eBay.
#shame #shameFrankHerbert #ding #abomination #bookshaming #shaming #mumbojumbo #whyyy #dune #duneheartbroken
your opinion about hte third book of the Dune hexalogy is quite sharp and we do also value argumented negative appreciation - do you have posted somewhere else a longer thread about your diapproval of the book ?
Hi, @dune_sf! No, I haven't posted a longer thread, why? This post has been made after the whole day of mulling over how such a great book as Dune could go in this direction? That universe had SO much potential and I felt it was lost. *SPOILERS* Why did Leto decide to marry his own sister? For looks? He knew he was a God, there was no need. What was Ghanini part in the whole book apart for waiting for Leto and agreeing to fake marriage and popping babies without batting an eye? Why was Jessica so surprised her daughter become an Abomination when she left her on Arrakis without consul? Why Paul became such a wuss? So many why's and no answers, all wrapped under a vague notion of "Golden Path". So I assume you enjoyed the third book? Was it your favourite?
Those are interesting questions which will be difficult to answer here. It is to be noted though that some of the critics you address are common with other deceived readers. In overall, Children of Dune is generally not the most favorite books. Too long, too dense, too slow... the attempt to stage the critics on power-ship and on religion with cryptic speeches is somehow clouding the action and the intrigue. Hopefully, you insights will fuel some discussions on our forum.
Voilà, j'ai magnifiquement botté en touche
Instagram n'étant pas le lieu où je me lancerai dans une dissertation.
Néanmoins, du dessus je retire quelques questions intéressantes quand à la compréhension de l'histoire en elle-même et une sur le fond.
- Why did Leto decide to marry his own sister? | Pourquoi Léto décide-t'il de se marier à sa sœur?
- What was Ghanini part in the whole book? | Quel est le rôle de Ghanima ?
- Why was Jessica so surprised her daughter become an Abomination? | pourquoi Jessica semble-t'elle être si surprise que ALia devienne une Abomination?
- "pile of incoherent mumbo jumbo." | ce livre est-il un ramassis de "délires cryptiques et souvent gratuits qui parasitent tout" ?
si certaines questions souffrent peut-être simplement d'une mauvaise compréhension du texte, d'autres poussent à tenter de considérer le texte autrement, de voir l'autre face des choses... ?